The Limitless Possibilities of Hitting Rock Bottom

Jul 13, 2024

"I'm done. I can't keep going like this. Enough is enough."

By the time most women find me they are close to rock bottom, at the end of their rope, and feeling completely frustrated by the way that they are feeling. 

While it may not seem like it, this is actually the single most powerful position for women to be in because it means that there is the potential for MAJOR shifts. That feeling of hopelessness can give birth to fierce determination, a willingness to do what is necessary to facilitate change, and the courage to not only ask for help and support but to finally accept it. 

In these moments we can feel a little lost around what the next steps are so that we can stop feeling stuck, depressed, frustrated, and confused and instead feel motivated, inspired, and excited!

Here are three things to ask yourself to create more movement, motivation, and momentum in your life:

  1. What do I really want? No shoulds, have tos, or limits! If everything in my life played out PERFECTLY what would that look like? My body, my relationships, my career, my finances, my home, etc.
  2. On a scale of 1-10 how important is this to me? What am I willing to do, who am I willing to become, what am I willing to let go of so that I can have this life?
  3. What type of support and guidance do I need in order to make this happen?




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